


Moscow-Zelenograd Since 1995, we are interested in the most beautiful breed of German boxer. It was boxers who instilled in us a taste for cynology. In 2001, the first Griffon appeared in the family.

In 2005, the cattery successfully acquired a female Griffon-small brabanson black and tan color-LADY BLACK DLYA ZELENOGO GORODA. (Daughter Of Dominik Corsarey Casch). The lady was not only beautiful (Junior champion of Russia, champion of Russia and RCACI in Russia-2007), but also a great producer. At the beginning of 2008, we came to rent a HAND MADE EURO STYLE-Griffon-small brabanson-red, carrying a black-and-tan gene. Euro received the titles of champion of Russia, National Club, Grand champion of Russia and RKF champion, became the Winner of the class at Eurasia-II 2009.